Fall Programming

Now that we're well into October, it's safe to say that fall is officially here, and that means Fall Programming! You'll find all the old favorites are back, so check out the dates and times and come on over to the library after school.

Rec Room (2:45-4 pm every other Monday)
  • That's right--there's pool, ping-pong, basketball, foosball, and snacks for sale (cheap!). Come down to the Rec Room to play games or just hang out with friends. For grades 6-9 only, please.

Teen Crafts (2:45-4 pm, Wednesdays October 14, November 4, and December 2)

  • Beading, jewelry-making, even duct tape crafts! Bring your creativity and come hang out in the newly moved and re-designed teen space. No need to have any know-how; we'll teach you what you need to know. For grades 6 and up.

Teen Gaming (2:45-4 pm, Wednesday, October 27, and Tuesdays November 10 and December 15)

  • We have a Wii and a PlayStation, tons of games, and new ones on the way. Bring your friends to challenge to a game, or just hang out and play board games. For grades 6-9 only, please.

Great news! There's no need to register for any of these programs, just show up! If you want some more info, you can click here or visit the library's website. As always, contact Jess with any questions or comments.